Ļoti laba dziesma. Šo dziesmu sev atklāju pagājušo nedēļ, piektdienas vakarā, kamēr gaidīju kādu cilvēku. Kā parasti, biju uzgriezis Radio SWH. Man ļoti patīk tā mūzika, kas skan ārpus darba laika. Tad pēkšņi sadzirdēju ļoti dzīvespriecīgu ritmu. Labu balsi. Balss īpašnieks ļoti slavens. Fils Kolins. Tai laikā viņš vēl bija Genesis sastāvā. Principā dziesma ir ar diezgan reliģisku noskaņu. Principā tā stāsta par ļoti veiksmīga cilvēka dzīvi, kurš par visu ir pateicīgs Dievam. Gribētos dzīves beigās, lai es varētu citēt šo dziesmu kā savu dzīves stāstu. Īsta veiksminieka dzīves stāstu.

Do you see the face on the TV screen Coming at you every Sunday See the face on the billboard That man is me On the cover of the magazine There's no question why I'm smiling You buy a piece of paradise You get a piece of me I'll get you everything you wanted I'll get you everything you need Don't need to believe in hereafter Just believe in me Cos Jesus he knows me And he knows I'm right I've been talking to Jesus all my life Oh yes he knows me And he knows I'm right And he's been telling me Everything is alright I believe in the family With my ever loving wife beside me But she don't know about my girlfriend Or the man I met last night Do you believe in God Cos that is what I'm selling And if you wanna go to heaven I'll see you right You won't even have to leave your house Or get out of your chair You don't even have to touch that dial Cos I'm everywhere And Jesus he knows me And he knows I'm right I've been talking to Jesus all my life Oh yes he knows me And he knows I'm right And he's been telling me Everything is alright You won't find me practising what I'm preaching Won't find me making no sacrifice But I get you a pocketful of miracles If you promise to be good, try to be nice God will take good care of you Just do as I say, don't do as I do I'm counting my blessings I've found true happiness Cos I'm getting richer, day by day You can find me in the phone book Just call my toll free number You can do it anyway you want Just do it right away There'll be no doubt in your mind You'll believe everything I'm saying If wanna get closer to him Get on your knees and start praying Cos Jesus he knows me And he knows I'm right I've been talking to Jesus all my life Oh yes he knows me And he knows I'm right And he's been telling me Everything is alright

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LmTIMTc8NM&w=420&h=345]
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